'The Epic Hentai Adventure of Lucia and the Solas City Heroes - Area 2 Stage 2'
1 month ago
This hentai PORN video description has been rephrased. The game is Solas City Heroes by MrZed2C, a Streets of Rage-like sexfight beat em up, now with the freshly released Rise of the Succubus DLC which lets you have custom made villains as minions on the stage. A new run has been added with a fresh character and half of the minions changed for these custom villains. Hardcore difficulty has also been added, where more details can be seen in the game dev's discord. There is a thread there for the run. The highlight for this video is 6:30, where two waves are shown. Overall, it was a bit of a stomp, so shorter videos will be made. I imagine stage 3-1 will be similar, as it doesn't throw plenty enemies in one go, but the stages after hopefully will pick up the slack.
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