"Sola City Heroes: The Adventures of Lucia and Friends in Area 3, Stage 1"
1 month ago
This hentai PORN video description is about a new DLC for Solas City Heroes, which is a Streets of Rage-like sexfight beat em up game. The new addition to the game allows you to create your own custom villains and use them as minions on the stage. The run with this DLC has just been released and it features freshly remade character models for all characters in the game, including the new Rise of the Succubus DLC. This means that you can now play with half of the minions changed for these custom villains. In this video description, you can see more details about the game dev's discord thread where you can find out everything you need to know about this run. Some of the highlights include a boss wave that gave the player quite some trouble, as well as a wave with 73A00 for a boss fight.
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