Samsung Sam HMV by (CortanaLoverSystem71)
2 weeks ago
This Hentai Porn video description has been rephrased for you. The hottie in this porn video is Samsung Sam21, and the narrator wishes he could give her a blowjob. However, that's not all he wants to say about the video. He also tells you that he made this HMV21 specifically for the Samsung Sam21. It's a hot video, and he hopes you enjoy it. Also, his name has been changed to CortanaLoverSystem7121. You can find him on Twitter, Reddit, Patreon, Discord, and his discord server is If you want to support him, buy him a coffee or request something extra as per your desire. He will make an SF M HMV2F PMVE28099 for fun, but he doesn't own any of the content or music in his HMV2F PMVE28099s. However, he will soon be making his own.
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