'Fantasy Lover: The Dream Walker, A Hentai Adventure'
4 months ago
DETAILED PLAYTHROUGH - A HOUSE IN THE RIFT [Zanith / A House In The Rift / 2019]: Chapter 2. Cocksucker By Day, Dreamwalker By Night In this chapter, Tristan forges an ever more intimate relationship with Azraesha, the submissive succubus, but then things almost go down south once she learns that her "Master" actually knows nothing about magic. Realising, however, that the couple's only chance to get out of the rift lies in Tristan's realisation of his power, Rae offers to train our MC in the tricky art of dreamwalking, which takes him quite a few tries to master. Playlist: rule34video.com/playlists/877416/a-house-in-the-rift/ Game link: f95zone.to/threads/a-house-in-the-rift-v0-7-11r1-zanith.29627/ Patreon link: www.patreon.com/Zanith
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