'Erotic Adventures of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider in the Forest of Thickening'

4 months ago
DETAILED PLAYTHROUGH - A HOUSE IN THE RIFT [Zanith / A House In The Rift / 2019]: Chapter 4. Big Gyal In Desperate Need Of Physical Activity In this chapter, Tristan does his best to make the new gal ("gyal"), Naomi, feel as comfortable as possible in the bizarre environment of the House, helping her find some athletic equipment for her exercising program and even a pair of dolphin shorts to go along with the barbells. As they bond over joint working out, an occasional bottle of whiskey, and other playful forms of physical contact, Tristan realizes that he DOES have a thing for really big women... even women who could easily snap his neck with their thighs in the throes of passion if they feel like it. For now, though, Naomi still remains to be properly wooed to take it to the next level fortunately, Tristan can still rely on his faithful Azraesha for sexual relief whenever he needs it, and the petite succubus eagerly proves it by unleashing upon him the full potential of her incredible blowjob talent, almost as if she were jealous of Naomi's competition... Playlist: rule34video.com/playlists/877416/a-house-in-the-rift/ Game link: f95zone.to/threads/a-house-in-the-rift-v0-7-11r1-zanith.29627/ Patreon link: www.patreon.com/Zanith